Ignore the dirty politics. Tune out the noise. Stay focused on what matters most for our families. Join us and let’s keep making progress together!
County Commissioner Adrian Garcia won’t let anyone or anything stop him from fighting for our families.
The youngest child of Mexican immigrants, Adrian grew up in Houston’s Northside, working in his dad’s auto repair shop.
He is a humble, hard-working public servant who put in 23 years as a Houston police officer, became a Houston City Council member and mayor pro-tem, and served Harris County as sheriff.
Today, Adrian is completing his first term as Harris County Commissioner for Precinct 2. Through fires, floods and the pandemic, he has been a steady hand who stays focused on what matters most for our families.
Adrian’s priorities: better jobs, affordable health care, keeping our families safe and protecting our homes against flooding.
While politicians were fighting over pandemic politics, Adrian was getting meals to shut-in seniors, getting vaccine shots into the arms of essential workers, and setting up mobile health care units to increase access to affordable health care.
When the economy tanked because of the shutdown, Adrian helped people who lost their jobs pay their rent, help get funds for small businesses to keep their doors open, and helped train and retrain workers for good-paying jobs.
And while progress on infrastructure stalled in Washington, D.C., Adrian secured half a billion dollars for neighborhood drainage projects and completed 1.2 million feet of roadside ditch and drainage maintenance last year alone to keep our homes and businesses from flooding.
Adrian never forgets where he comes from.
“You will always have my blessings,” Adrian’s dad said to his son, “if you promise me this: Don’t be ashamed that you are Mexican; don’t be ashamed that your name is Garcia; don’t bring shame to your name; be honest; and never forget where you come from!”
Adrian lives in the same neighborhood where he grew up and he still lives by the same rules laid down by his dad. Adrian Garcia is one of us.
5 months ago

Pol. adv. Adrian Garcia Campaign